...Forward, men, forward! Let it never be said that Texans lag in a fight!  


Dette er bare et lite utvalg blant tusener av internettsider
om reenacting
og den amerikanske borgerkrigen.

This is only a small selection among the thousands of internet pages
dedicated to re-enacting and the American Civil War.


General (Generelt)

The Authentic Campaigner
The Civil War Reenactors Home Page

Camp Chase Gazette: The Voice of Civil War Reenacting

Civil War News

Civil War Camera: A Gallery of Reenactment Photographs

The Drill Network

Units and organizations
(Avdelinger og organisasjoner)

16th Tennessee Infantry, Company G (DK)
15th Wisconsin, Company B (DK)

American Civil War Society of Great Britain (UK)
Southern Skirmish Association (UK)
18th Virginia Infantry, Company G (UK)
The Scalawag Mess (UK)

Union and Confederate Reenactors International (DE)
7th Georgia Cavalry (DE)

North/South Alliance (US)
1st Division, Army of Northern Virginia (US)

United States Volunteers (US)
19th Alabama Infantry (US)
Trans-Mississippi Rifles (US)

10th Texas Infantry (US)

4th Texas Infantry, Company E (US)

9th Texas Infantry/ Red River Battalion (US)
33rd Wisconsin Infantry, Company E (US)
The Columbia Rifles (US)
1st Arkansas Battalion (US)
The Army of the Pacific (US)

Events (Arrangementer)

Gettysburg 1998 (US)
Battle of Franklin 2004 (US)
Lejre 2004 (DK)

Sutlers (Utstyrsleverandører)

Blockade Runner
C. & D. Jarnagin Company
Dirty Billy's Hats

Clearwater Hat Company
John Zimmerman Civil War Muskets


Indexes and link lists

American Civil War Home Page
U.S.Civil War Center Link Index

Shotgun's Home of the American Civil War

Uniforms, equipment, flags and music
(Uniformer,utrustning,flagg og musikk)

Civil War Guns
Confederate Columbus Depot Jackets

Flags of the Confederacy
Poetry and Music of the Civil War


Texas Confederate Journals

The New Handbook of Texas Online

Military units and persons
(Militære avdelinger og personer)

Confederate Regimental Histories Index

Union Regimental Histories Index

General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne
General John Gregg

General Hiram Bronson Granbury

Battles and campaigns (Slag og felttog)

The Western Theater in the Civil War
West Point Civil War Atlas Map Site
Civil War Battle Summaries By State

Civil War Battle Summaries By Campaign

Norwegians in the war (Nordmenn i borgerkrigen)

15th Wisconsin Infantry - "Det Skandinaviske Regiment"
Norwegians in the Civil War Database
Norske innvandrere i den amerikanske borgerkrig
Scandinavian soldiers in the Confederate Forces

Recommended link for more information about the 7th Texas Infantry
(Anbefalt link til mer informasjon om 7.Texas Infanteri )

Battle of Raymond



Visit 15th Wisconsin on the Net !