...Forward, men, forward! Let it never be said that Texans lag in a fight!  

Litteraturliste - READING LIST

Vil du vite mer om hva soldatene i 7. Texas gjennomgikk under krigen? Nedenstående bøker vil gi deg en kurant innføring i hva regimentet var delaktig i, både hva gjelder soldat liv og større militære operasjoner. Dette er lettleste, konsise, og lett tilgjengelige bøker som anbefales for så vel nybegynnere som veteraner - til en rimelig pris. Kan bestilles fra www.amazon.com eller www.abebooks.com

Want to know more about what the soldiers of the 7th Texas experienced during the war? Here's a list of books which will provide you with a good overview of what the regiment was party to, both in regard to soldier life and military operations. These are concise, well-researched, and inexpensive works, highly recommended for novices as well as veterans. Look for them at www.amazon.com or www.abebooks.com


Generelt - General

Gregory A. Coco - The Civil War Infantryman: In Camp, On the March, and In Battle (1996)
James M. McPherson - The Atlas of the Civil War (1994)

Army of Tennessee, Cleburne's Division, Granbury's Brigade

Larry J. Daniel - Soldiering in the Army of Tennessee (1991)
Craig L. Symonds - Stonewall of the West: Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War (1997)
James M. McCaffrey - This Band of Heroes: Granbury’s Texas Brigade, C.S.A. (1996)

Slag og felttog - Battles and campaigns

Spencer C. Tucker - Unconditional Surrender: The Capture of Forts Henry and Donelson (2001)
Edwin C. Bearss - Vicksburg Campaign: Battles of Raymond and Jackson, Blue & Gray Magazine, vol. 18, no. 1 (2000)
Steven E. Woodworth - Six Armies in Tennessee: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns (1999)
Jim Miles - Fields of Glory: A History and Tour Guide of the Atlanta Campaign 1864 (2002)
John R. Lundberg - The Finishing Stroke: Texans in the 1864 Tennessee Campaign (2002)
Mark A. Moore - Moore's Historical Guide to the Battle of Bentonville (1997)

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